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Cyber Security Enforcers LLC is a full-service IT company located on Long Island. We provide IT support and managed services for small, mid-size and large companies.


We provide IT support, Network Security, Computer Consulting, Identify Vulnerabilities and Reduce Risk.


If you have an issue that requires immediate attention call 516-424-6820


In most cases we will be able to resolve your problem remotely. If your issues requires’ an onsite visit we will send one of our security analyst to your location. Our technical support team is committed to rapidly responding to your issues and resolving your problems efficiently.




We will take a scope of your business internaly and externally in order to get a full scope of the possible breaches. The worst breaches tend to be from internal access.



The main goal is to limit security breaches as best as possible. It is impossible to completely secure any system 100%. However, I can help reduce the amount of breaches. This strategy includes a Step-by-Step process of some of the services that we cover. If interested click here to contact us.



To ensure that the security is working effectively we will perform penetration tests periodically. We will not perform any actions without direct notification or contact.

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